What are Life of Riley Pet Care's hours of operation?
Our normal service hours are between 8am-8pm for pet sitting and dog walking services. Doggy field trip excursions are available Monday-Friday by appointment and location. Outside of these hours, Life of Riley Pet Care will try to accommodate the specific needs and schedules of our clients.
What is the best way to reach us?
Please call 413-835-PETZ (7389). Life of Riley Pet Care is available between the hours of 8am-7pm daily. If you reach our voice mail, please leave a detailed message and we will return your call as quickly as possible. You can also contact us via e-mail at: Pets@RileyPetCare.com.
New client calls are usually returned in the early evening. We can review what services are of interest and schedule a Meet and Greet.
What is covered at the Meet and Greet?
Services which may be of interest to the client and their pet(s), daily routines, feeding schedules, location of food and pet supplies,etc. It also gives us a chance to meet each other and get introduced to your pet(s). Forms such as vet information, service agreements, emergency contacts and pet information are gone over and signed before Life of Riley Pet Care's first scheduled service. Keys can be given at this time. If you don't have a key available, we can pick it up before the first visit for an additional charge of $10. We can securely store your keys on file for future visits. A lock box on your property can also be arranged. That way, Life of Riley Pet Care is just a phone call away!
What is your cancellation policy?
Cancellations of services need to be made at least 48 hours in advance as a courtesy for the time allotted so that other clients aren't turned away. Any less than a 48 hour notice will be billed at the current rates. Cancellation fee for dog excursions and walks are as follows: make-ups are given for a 48 hour notice. Full charge for less than a 48 hour notice. If we show up and you forgot to cancel, the client is charged in full for the visit, walk, or outing. However, Life of Riley Pet Care realizes that some things happen beyond our control so we try to accommodate last minute changes whenever possible.
What payment methods do you accept?
Life of Riley Pet Care accepts cash, personal checks, credit cards, PayPal and Venmo. If paying by check, please make checks payable to Life of Riley Pet Care.
What is Life of Riley Pet Care's payment policy?
Payment for services may be cash, personal checks or credit card. If services are added or extended from the initial arrangement the client will be billed. Payment will be expected within a week of a completed service. Life of Riley Pet Care will charge $30 for any bounced checks. A late fee of $10 or 10% of service, whichever is greater assessed on any overdue payments.
Does Life of Riley Pet Care offer services on holidays?
Yes, we do offer pet-sitting and dog-walking services on all holidays at a rate of 1.5 times the normal rate. Excursions and Pet Taxi service are not available on holidays, however. We do recommend that you contact Life of Riley Pet Care well in advance, as holidays fill up rather quickly.
Holidays are as follows: New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
What are your requirements for the Doggy Field Trips?
In order for your dog to join us on the field trips, he/she must be neutered/spayed, up to date on all vaccinations and licenses, on a flea/tick preventative such as Frontline Plus or K-9 Advantix, not aggressive in any way towards other dogs, people or toys, excellent at recall, and used to being in off-leash environments. These requirements are to ensure their safety along with the other dogs in the play group as well as others they may encounter during the outings.
Will you let us know how our pet(s) enjoyed their day?
Life of Riley Pet Care will leave a daily report with details of their visit, walk, or outing so you know the details of their day. If you are away from home, Life of Riley Pet Care will be glad to send you details via texts, e-mail, or voice messages or you can call us as well. Life of Riley also offers a free APP to receive report cards, communicate with staff and schedule services!
Please call us at 413-835-PETZ (7389) or e-mail us at
Pets@RileyPetCare.com if you have any other questions.